Friday, September 28, 2007

After School "Special"

It's not everyday that you come across a pimp who is thinking. He was wondering a good way to make extra money on the side. Hmm, what's a good way to pull off extra money on the side. Oh, I know, lower your rates and target high school kids.

You don't learn these lessons in geometry class

What looked like an innocent ping pong place was actually a high school targeting brothel. A regular ping pong establishment? This seems like a stretch already to me. I live in new york, and I've never been invited to a ping pong establishment. Fact #2. Was no one suspicious from the get go about a place named, "Robo-Pong Training Center." What? It sounds like it's an old nintendo game from 1989. I mean, it's less obvious than, "Ping Pong Pleasure Palace," but it might as well be. How many parents were not at all suspicious of their children saying they were going to be home a little late, cause they'll be training their mad pong skills at the Robo-Pong Training Center. Also, I don't care how low the rates were. Where do these kids get the money? I was having trouble buying myself a twix bar after work let alone paying someone to show me how to work the ping pong paddle. How low was the pricing? Here's a good quote from the police officer:

"It was obvious that they were targeting young students, because the prices were so low," said one disgusted police official, adding, "Most brothels charge at least $100."

Disgusted police officer, eh? I don't know, he seems to know the going rate for a regular brothel. Suspicious....

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