Thursday, September 6, 2007

Mascot Hall of Fame

Does anyone else think mascots are a little strange? The whole idea of it is a little ridiculous and yet everyone buys into it. Who isn't pumped up when the mascots come running out?

Some people love mascots a little bit too much

I have just recently learned that there is a Mascot Hall of Fame. Here are a couple of their initial members, since it's 2005 creation:

Phillie Phanatic. Now, clearly this isn't the best looking mascot ever created, but he did warrant election into the first round ever. Strange? Yes. His stomach is uncomfortably loose, so he can periodically break into fits of thrusting and humping at the air while everything shakes in an odd manner. Attractive on a person? Not so much, but on a giant green monster? Who can get enough?

Now, the Phoenix Suns Gorilla, that's a mascot I can get behind. Besides his obvious advantage to being in the monkey family, he jumps through rings of fire. Rings of fire, people. I don't think I could slam dunk a basketball, without adding in the fear that when I land my whole body will be burning like I'd rolled in dry leaves and gotten too close to a fire. That's a monkey with some guts.

I think the mascot is definitely something that people secretly love, but don't talk about until someone else has admitted it first. People are so excited that in some stadiums they create many of them to fight for supremacy. At a Washington Nationals game, you could run into a few famous presidents. I'm sure that the descendants of George Washington were hoping that his historical legacy would end with a giant head version of him racing other presidents.

You go, Mr. President!

If you go to a Brooklyn Cyclones game, then you are treated to a racing ketchup, mustard and relish. I bet anyone who walked in there first said it was stupid, but then by their second visit, they were disappointed if they couldn't see any giant condiments racing for supremacy.

It's the same reason why people love going to disney world. Was it mean when Goofy crossed off my autograph from Mickey Mouse, and I had to go back and get a new one? Yes, but I sure didn't see it coming. Was that giant Winnie the Pooh who weirdly rubbed his nose on my neck when I was 12 years old, creepy? Yes, but I definitely did not see that coming. One might argue that it's part of the fun. What crazy thing will happen next with those giant wacky fursuited men and women.

In the spirit of it all, I say everyone heads over to the Mascot Hall of Fame site and puts in a vote for my favorite mascot, Mr. Met. How can you not love a guy with a giant baseball shaped head?

Yes, he's even available for weddings and ready to break it down with the best of them.

Here's to the Comic Monkey mascot making the cut by 2011!

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