Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dirty Dentistry

Talk about going out of your way for the patient.

Wait, those aren't your wisdom teeth?

I'm sure he's got a good reason. I's natural to prepare the mouth and jaw with some groping. Is this guy the sleaziest medical professional ever or is he some type of twisted genius? Feeling someone up in the name of good dentistry. I'm really not sure what type of jaw pains are fixed by some solid above the shirt heavy petting, but somehow, I've got faith that this guy will get to the bottom of it. That, or he may end up with an entirely different type of people looking for the solution to their newest clicking jaw problem and enjoying the exam way too much. It could be an entirely profitable side job of shady dentistry much like the pizza place with hidden strip club bar in the back that I stumbled upon a year or so ago. They served up a slice and then an illegal immigrant dancer on the side. There was also the building I lived in a few years ago that housed a brothel on the first floor. Nothing like coming home to oddly desperate looking men prowling your hallways. When the police busted it, the NY Post reported that it was turning 3 million dollars a year! Was it theoretically an illegal establishment? Yes. Was it a bit sketchy? Of course. However, I bet they were all doing more profitable business than I ever will. It's a dirty world out there, and we just live in it.


Could-be-a-model said...

When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, the doctor, as he was giving me the most blessed valium and demeral IV drip, warned me that it would make me itch "down there". He was right.

Lisa XX said...

Who goes back to have that done to them 5 more times if they didn't like being fondled by their dentist? Me thinks that 4 of his 7 children belong to that 31 year old woman.

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