Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fish In Space!

Ever wonder what a good, inexpensive way to study motion sickness would be?  I can tell you what wouldn't be.:

Some researchers were looking to study the effects of motion sickness on the body using fish in space.  Yes, fish in space.  They shot 72 fish into space in a tiny rocket with a tiny aquarium inside of it.  Apparently, fish swim in circles when they have motion sickness, so they want to see if there's a pattern to why some people get motion sickness and some don't.  Wait a minute.  Fish swim in circles when they have motion sickness?  Why don't they just stop moving?  Wouldn't that be an easier way to get over motion sickness?  

"Oh man, I feel so dizzy sick.  You guys go ahead, I'm going to swim this off.  Oh yeah, perfect circles, that's the spot.  There we go."

Luckily, the fish all returned safely to planet earth.  When asked to comment on the adventure, one of the fish replied by just swimming in circles and ignoring the interviewer.  That ungrateful little monster.

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