Scientists have unearthed the fossils of a frog the size of a bowling ball. This bad boy of prehistoric times came in at around 16 inches tall and 10 pounds. A couple of those suckers hopping around would probably rattle your glass of water as much as a T-Rex. They sported a rather mean dinosaur temperament too. What's worse is that they had the jawpower to back it up. The superfrog strength of its jaw was enough to supposedly break a baby dinosaur. Just look at this picture:

It's got a modern day frog looking up and thinking, "So, this is how it ends," while a pencil sits idly by not trying to rescue him. Stupid useless number 2 pencils.
Do these frogs exist in any form today? Apparently, they might. There's a type of frog in South America called, "ceratophyrines," AKA, "Pac Man Frogs." I don't think you need a rocket scientist to tell you how they attack. I wonder if they make ribit noises as they move like pac man did. Ribit, ribit, ribit, CHOMP. Either way, I value my ankles, and I certainly wouldn't want to run into the Devilized Pac Man frog anywhere. I only have more love for my tiny, hopping froggy friends now.
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