Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. It's coming. It's coming to get you! A whole panic stricken town is crippled. It's a GNOME!?!?
Attack of the sideways walking, pint sized gnome.Seriously, a gnome?

This is the image that launched fear into the hearts of men, women and children in a South American town. Some kids managed to get footage of the gnome in action (See video on the link). Sure enough, it moves slowly, wears a pointy hat and walks sideways. What? It walks sideways? My favorite part about the video is that the kids are screaming in terror. They can't even film it for more than a couple brief seconds before the camera cuts off to screams. They said one of them had to go to the hospital because he was too scared. Maybe I missed out on some of the experience, but too afraid of what? It's a little gnome. It's like being scared of the cute little gnome on the travelocity commercials. Does he cast spells? The kids claim other town residents have also come forward. No one wants to leave their homes. Will the gnome be caught? Who ya gonna call?
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