In the past, the death star brought about only pleasant memories of Luke Skywalker using the force and saving the rebel alliance from certain destruction. However, times have changed.
Apparently, this star group called WR 104 is flittering around out there just waiting to one day explode. Just feel the drama in this quote by the scientist being interviewed:
"I used to appreciate this spiral just for its beautiful form, but now I can't help a twinge of feeling that it is uncannily like looking down a rifle barrel,"
Clearly, some mad scientist failed with his experiments on the first 103 WRs, and now WR 104 is primed to destroy us. I do prefer the other term used, "Pinwheel of Death." When these stars go supernova, a wave of gamma radiation will shoot across the galaxy at the speed of light, which could, among other things, obliterate all life on earth. Everyone who's ever read a comic book knows that gamma rays just turn you into the hulk or something, right? Maybe we'll all develop super powers instead. The way I see it, it's really a 50/50 bet here. Instant death or super powers. I don't know about you, but I like those odds.