Friday, November 14, 2008

Cheating with a Computer is Still Cheating

A woman is divorcing her husband, cause she uncovered him having multiple affairs in the online community, Second Life. Apparently, there can also be sins of the virtualized flesh. The best part is when she hired a virtual detective to scope out the situation and see what was going on. In the end, he said he loved his new online girlfriend more than his wife, and she left him. Begs the question. What is this Second Life thing? Why does it actually have prostitutes your character can hire? What is wrong with people? How sketchy is this dude? All quandaries that I will one day seek to answer.

It's a good thing these are only virtual women!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Palin: Ultimate Fighting Champion

The Total Nonstop Action Wrestling league has offered former VP nominee, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin $50,000 to join their "beautiful people" collection of wrestlers. They advertise it as another way for her to break into a male dominated field. I feel like the only thing that'll get broken into is some other woman's face.

The best consolation prize to losing an election

Worst Lawsuit Ever

The mayor of the city of Batman, Turkey is suing WB and Chris Nolan, the people behind the Dark Knight movie for money. Why? Because the movie is leading to:

"a number of unsolved murders and a high female suicide rate on the psychological impact that the film's success has had on the city's inhabitants."

Makes sense that after 70 years of comics, tv and movies, they finally figured out that a movie without even the word, "batman" in the title is ruining their city, after becoming the second biggest movie of all time. I can relate. Every time. "Escape From New York" comes on tv, I usually double over in a rage seizure.

Holy Greedy Lawsuits, Batman!

Literally couldn't live without him

A San Francisco woman was killed by her husband, during his funeral. What? You say? While driving his coffin, it flew forward in the hearse cause of traffic and hit her. She died on the spot. Divine intervention to keep two lifelong loves from being separate for long? Reaching from beyond the grave to try and give her one more hug? Really crappy luck? You decide.

Buy one funeral, get one free.

I swear, Officer...I wasn't at that strip club

A man in Alaska "accidentally" stole someone else's car from a strip club parking lot. Presumably, he was trying to make a quick getaway when his wife found out where he was. Not only was his "got in the wrong car" story fishy, his name was Charles Schultz. The creator of Charlie Brown? Booked for grand theft auto, what would Linus say?

Wait, this isn't my car? I didn't realize it, cause I always hot wire my car when I drive it.

Hard Core Running

You think you're a hard core runner? You run marathons? You push yourself to the limits of endurance? Well, think again. Try running with a rabid fox attached to your arm by its teeth. Yeah, how do you like them apples?

It's not quite as light as my ipod armband

Monday, November 3, 2008

Video games make me angry!

Another study is out about how violent video games make children angry. I'm not quite sure still why doing a lot of fantasy violence in a fantasy video game world is reason for people to not be able to distinguish between right and wrong. I played lots of duck hunt as a kid, and you don't see me out shooting at birds or the dog retrieving my kills. My skills at super mario brothers didn't leave me thinking I could grow from eating the right mushroom or hook up with a mushroom princess. If only video games were more like real life, but alas, they're not.

I swear my child was well mannered before those awful video games!

Monkey Search
