Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Today's Youth Loves Cougars

Well, looks like another study has been done that requires research almost as shady as the point they are trying to prove.  It turns out that a parent's fear of their child being seduced by an old person impersonating a kid are misplaced.  Turns out, kids just dig old people.

Evidently, most sexual predators today just say how old they are and they they're out prowling for sex online.  Even more interesting is that kids are down with it.  Kids aren't being lured out under false pretenses, they are doing some premeditated cougar hunting.  It's sort of surprising, cause I thought that the world was full of the dirtballs that Chris Hansen snags on "To Catch a Predator,"  but it's really savvy kids optionally chasing after older dudes.  Now, I'm not one to pick at the scientific process, but let's have a look at the subjects.  It says the survey was done on a group of internet using 10 to 17 year olds.  They also were able to confirm that social networking sites like facebook and myspace don't put them in further danger.  Is it just me, or does this reek a little bit of kids just trying not to get in trouble for being online.  "Don't worry, Mom, no one's fooling me...I've got this old man wrapped around my finger."  If we accept all these studies as fact, then why limit any of the kids online activity.  They know what they're doing completely and can't be deceived.  Hmmm, this sounds like quite a dastardly hatched kid plot to be left alone.  Perhaps, they are all smarter than I gave them credit for after all....

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